Is It Time To Get New Lawn?

9 February 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog


Summertime in Australia can be very tough for even the hardiest of lawns to survive. If you miss a couple of weeks of watering, then that can be enough to leave quite a large dead patch, although some types of grass can find a way to die no matter how much effort you put into them. But how do you know when your grass is salvageable and when it is time to look into other types of lawn to replace them? Here are a few things to consider for future lawn care and some warning signs you can look out for in your current garden.

Patches Of Dirt That Never Grow Grass

You will see most gardens have a patch of dirt where nothing at all seems to grow. The grass will appear as if it is purposefully avoiding it and in many ways, it actually is doing just that. That does not mean, however, that no grass will grow there. It just means the type of grass you are using in the rest of your garden does not suit that area. Often this is because it is in the shade or it has particularly rocky foundations. What you want to look for is types of lawn that have short roots or that can survive for long periods in the shade. Buffalo is a good option.

Grass That Is Invading All Areas Of Your Lawn

Some types of lawn are just too invasive to try and maintain a rose or flower garden at the same time. The grass will constantly be trying to grow into any area it does not already exist in, and that is due to long runners and a quicker growth cycle than some other types of lawn. Zoysia is an option if you want a more interesting look, but if you want something more natural, then you can never go wrong with tall fescue. It tends to stay where it is put and requires minimal maintenance. 

The Whole Lawn Is Drying Up, What Do You Do?

If you have just moved into your home and tried laying a new turf lawn only to discover it is all dying, then you have made a very common mistake. The truth many homeowners don't know is that not all types of grass will grow in every part of the country. If your lawn was very cheap, that is probably because it was someone trying to get rid of it quickly. Research what types of lawn suit your particular conditions before ever even going out to a turf selling business. Don't try to keep your grass going if it is clearly on the way out. It is best to start over and make sure you get suitable turf this time around. 

Contact a local turf supplier to learn more about different types of lawn.